Binding Spell 

  • Is someone making a nuisance of themselves by interfering with you and your business?
  • Is someone bothering you?
  • Do you just want them to focus their attention on something or someone other than you?

This spell will peacefully make their life go in another direction so they stop troubling you. This spell is very effective with friends that won't leave you alone and wither's and their partners.

Ultimate Binding Spell 

  • Do you need something stronger than the Customized Binding Spell to get the results you desire?

This spell is twice the strength and can be customized to either keep someone away or to bind two people together. An entire week of casting goes into this spell making it very powerful and permanent.


Traditional healing

Traditional healing takes the "holistic" view dealing with the complete individual and does not focus on symptoms or diseases. The healing is focussed on the person and not the illness. As an example the treatment for TB or HIV  may differ from person to person


Healers are identified in each tribe and are taught their craft with special teachings passed down from one generation to the next. The teachings are conveyed through visions, dreams and stories and are rooted in the tribe's traditions and history. As long as tribes have existed there have been healers taking care of the people.  Everyone has origins in a tribe but the healer knowledge may have been lost due to modernisation.

Healing does not follow written guidelines and healers work differently with each person they help. They use their herbs, ceremony and power in the best way for each individual. Each tribe uses its own techniques so healing though a traditional healer might involve sweat lodges, talking circles, ceremonial smoking of tobacco, shamans, herbalism, animal spirits, or "vision quests". The techniques by themselves are not "traditional healing." They are only steps towards becoming whole, balanced and connected.

We offer African traditional healing where ancestors are invited to talk with you directly. They will tell you exactly what has to be done.

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